Dental Implants in Anaheim
Dental Implants
Dental implants are considered the standard of care for prosthetic
replacement of missing teeth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth
root surgically fixed into the jawbone to hold a crown or dental bridge
in order to complete the structure of an artificial tooth. A tooth
consists of a root and a crown. When you lose a tooth, an implant takes
the place of the root, and then an artificial crown is placed. Dental
implants can be made of titanium or ceramic material.
Why would you need a dental implant?
When you lose a tooth, you might require a dental implant. But how do
people lose a tooth? You may lose a tooth as a result of the
Tooth decay
Vehicular accident
Bruxism (grinding teeth)
Gum disease
Tooth is knocked out during sports or a fight
Congenitally missing teeth (some people are born without certain
When your tooth is lost, you have 3 options: a dental implant, a
fixed bridge, or a removable appliance. Each has its own merit. In this
article, we explore the first option: a dental implant.
How is a dental implant procedure performed?
You can get a dental implant in a few steps.
First, your oral surgeon will administer local
anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area to
cushion you from pain. Sometimes sedation dentistry is applied. -
Then, your oral surgeon makes a cut. Your
surgeon will make an incision (cut) in your gums where the dental
implant will be placed. This incision exposes your jawbone. -
Next, your oral surgeon prepares your jaw. Your
surgeon will use dental tools to create an opening in your jawbone and
create the right diameter needed to insert the implant. -
Finally, your oral surgeon places the implant and closes
the cut. Next, your surgeon will carefully place the dental
implant into your jaw and use stitches to close the incision.
Most oral surgeons recommend that you wait for healing to occur
before placing a crown, which completes the structure of the tooth and
restores functionality.
Missing teeth affect your smile and can cause other problems such as
teeth shifting. If you are considering replacing missing teeth, dental
implants are an excellent option. Call us to learn more.